
Showing posts from 2013

The Little Things

The smallest things mean a lot to me.  It is not hard to make me happy.  People often think I'm just saying that because it's what folks say, but I mean it.  The same way small things can make me happy, they can make me upset.I have new dating pet peeves as a result.  #1  Do not disappoint me If you say you are going to do something do it.  It's pretty simple.  Words mean nothing without the action behind it!  Example of this.  If you say we are going on a date.  Have a plan.  Do not cancel over some bull either!  I will look at you like you're the bull you spoke. #2  Do not do things at the last minute This is connected to #1.  Canceling or changing plans at the last minute bothers me!  I understand when it's an emergency, but when you just bs'ing then you need to get the hell on! #3  Do not contact me everyday In the early stages of dating (first few weeks) do not call, text or instant message me everyday.  This will quickly be ignore

God Ordained

Whoever is for you... won't leave you.  Understand the difference between God ordained relationships vs. seasonal acquaintances.  Don't confuse the two.

A "Grown" marriage

Recently Jada Pinkett Smith has been in the news for her comments on her marriage to Will Smith. She stated he could do whatever he wants and critics took it to mean they have a open marriage. She recently wrote something on her Facebook page explaining her comments. I feel it say SO much about real marriages and relationships. Open marriage? Let me first say this, there are far more important things to talk about in regards to what is happening in the world than whether I have an open marriage or not. I am addressing this issue because a very important subject has been born from discussions about my statement that may be worthy of addressing. The statement I made in regard to, "Will can do whatever he wants," has illuminated the need to discuss the relationship between trust and love and how they co-exist. Do we believe loving someone means owning them? Do we believe that ownership is the reason someone should "behave"? Do we believe that all the expecta

Show Me

Actions always speak louder than words Show me what I mean to you Show me how much you care Show me that I am special Show me that you want me Show me I am important to you Show me you want me in your life Show me I am appreciated Show me how much you want me Show me that I am loved by you

Why Do We Love Love?

This is an age old question. We all love LOVE! Love of all forms. Parent, sibling, children, friends, and of course mate. Regardless of how times those people who love us disappoint, hurt, or even betray us we still love them in some way. Now we may chose to deal with them differently but we still love them. I was thinking about this whole loving Love thing and wondered what keeps people seeking it. Especially romantic love. For most people by a certain age in adulthood, they have been hurt by love. Yet, the average person still believe in and pursue it. But why? The wonderful feeling of being loved? The feeling giving love gives you? The feeling of being in loved? Or is it the combination of all the things that equal being in love? The companionship, warm feelings, happiness, and love all in one bucket? In all my years of relationships, successful and unsuccessful, I have never given up on love. I have heard friends of mine say they have, but still are open to it. Still willin

Settling versus Compromising

In a relationship, what is the different between compromising and settling? This is a topic I have discussed many times with friends. It is interesting to hear people's opinions on it. I personally believe a person's opinion on this topic depends on where they are in life and romantic relationships. Webster Dictionary defines compromising as: to come come to agreement by mutual concession. Webster Dictionary defines settle as: to sink gradually. Another definition is to arrange in a desired position. To settle for means - to be content with. Compromising appears to be better than settling. Each party involved makes a concession of some type. Most relationships are this way. We give up something to be a part of them. We get a something though. I believe that this is normal. Compromising is something needed in most aspects of life, not just romantic relationships. Settling appears to be less than compromising. Settling is taking less than you want and not getting as muc

I Am A Slacker

I have been slacking badly on my writing. I have been busy between my new job, moving, personal life, friends visiting, attending a camp with our extended family, and restarting my job search (I know... I know...). I miss writing some. Sometimes I write on topics that I need to just get off my chest. Those are more like letters to the person that they never see. I also started a journal. I watched a sermon by Lisa Comes of Joel Osteen's ministries. The sermon was titled Developing A Strategic Vision For Your Life. She spoke about writing down your visions and making them plan. I have done this in several ways before. I have a sheet in my room that I write my large goals on. I also completed a Vision Board late last year in addition to filling out a workbook of things I want to achieve and work on this year. I felt what Lisa was talking about was different. It was not only my goals and desires, but things that backed them up. Like positive quotes and scriptures. I decided to buy

Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day! Day for love! And I love love. I will admit I was not looking forward to today. I think the more I focus on preparing my life for my mate the more I anticipate him. The closer today became I got excited because I always give my daughter a gift. She loved it, fyi. The more I thought about love and being in love and all that. I realized that I have been blessed to experience so many types of love. Including romantic of many types as well as mother to daughter, daughter to mother, friendship, family, and friends who are like family. I know that I am blessed to have their love now and the many types of love that has gone. I thought about all the different romantic relationships I have been in and thought about the things I have learned from those situations. What I learned that I would like to continue to experience in my future relationship and what I learned I do not want to. I realize that even though I am single, I haev so much more knowledge as a re

Single Woman's Prayer

Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I come boldly before Your throne of grace confessing Your Word over my life as a single Christian. I pray that You would help me to live a Godly life as a single Christian - a life that is holy, sanctified and set aside for the Master's use, and prepared for Your good work. I confess Your word, that as a single Christian, my life is crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet it's not I that live, but it's Christ that lives in and through me; and the life which I now live in the flesh as a single Christian, I live it by faith, power and strength of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. Father, You said that You would not leave us alone, but You promised to send us the Comforter. I pray therefore, that You would fellowship with me daily through the Comforter of the Holy Spirit. I pray that while I am single, may You be the One to whom I am married. Lord, when I get lonely, may You, through the Holy Spir

Falling Into Place

Over the last two months so many parts of my life have been falling into place. I got a job offer the day I graduated with my Masters degree. I started the job at the beginning of the year. I moved last week into a new place. Both of them fulfilled many of my desires. God really does know and will provide us with the desires of our heart. The other day I sat back and thought about how I had been wanting a several things in a job and new place to rent. Realized that God provided me with almost all of them. I wanted to rent a place that allowed me to save to BUY a townhome next year. On top of several amenities I wanted and it being on my daughter's school bus route. Every single thing has a check next to it. The more things fall into place in certain areas the more the void in one area shows. I am starting to get lonely romantically. I know this sounds strange with so many great things happening. But sometimes not having that special person to share those things with sucks. I ha


My favorite word is Agape. I have a deep obsession with A words. My daughter's name starts with it and I love words that start with As. Agape is a word that means so much but is so simple at the same time. I came across the word many many moons (nope you don't need to figure out how old I am!) ago in a bible. Once I learned the meaning I knew it was my word!   Agape   is the fourth word for love.    It is a love that loves without changing.    It is a self-giving love that gives without demanding or expecting re-payment.    It is love so great that it can be given to the unlovable or unappealing.    It is love that loves even when it is rejected.    Agape   love gives and loves because it wants to; it does not demand or expect anything from the love given.    It gives because it loves, it does not love in order to receive.    Technically,  A gape   can not be defined as “God’s love,” because men are said to   agape   sin and the world (John 3:19, 1 John 2:15).    Bu