
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Little Things

The smallest things mean a lot to me.  It is not hard to make me happy.  People often think I'm just saying that because it's what folks say, but I mean it.  The same way small things can make me happy, they can make me upset.I have new dating pet peeves as a result.  #1  Do not disappoint me If you say you are going to do something do it.  It's pretty simple.  Words mean nothing without the action behind it!  Example of this.  If you say we are going on a date.  Have a plan.  Do not cancel over some bull either!  I will look at you like you're the bull you spoke. #2  Do not do things at the last minute This is connected to #1.  Canceling or changing plans at the last minute bothers me!  I understand when it's an emergency, but when you just bs'ing then you need to get the hell on! #3  Do not contact me everyday In the early stages of dating (first few weeks) do not call, text or instant message me everyday.  This will quickly be ignore