
Showing posts from December, 2012

Ending 2012...

2012 was a major roller coaster ride for me, but is ending on a high note Thank God!  In January my mother was in a bad car accident, she blacked out while driving. I had a great '82 Baby (30th birthday) vacation with my friends from college. I dealt with various lows and struggles personally. I evolved in many ways. Carlton's death in July. I had a great solo vacation at the beach. Car issues. I completed my Master's degree and received a job offer from a Fortune 500 company!  As 2012 draws to a close, I created my vision board for 2013.  I normally just write my goals down at the beginning of the year. 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. This year I was invited to a Vision Board party and really enjoyed creating one. "A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality." I love this idea and will do it yearly. Yesterday I had my daughter and nieces

God Use Me...

God use me... Use this life you gave me... I do not know what the future holds for me... But I know that there is a vision for my life... That is greater than my imagination can hold! I thank you in advance!

Today was a good day.

I woke up this morning wrapping my head around the fact that I was going to walk across the stage later this evening to receive my Master's degree. As excited as I am to complete the course work for this degree a piece of me was sad. This month my friend and father of my child would of graduated with a MBA and JD. We talked about how we did not plan to walk at graduation and rather relax after our hard work. After his death in July, I decided I would walk in my graduation. Partly to honor him, but also for our child to see. A few days ago his mother received both of his degrees in the mail from his school. It was a very touching moment. To see his hard work to pay off. To see what he worked hard for right there, but he is not here. Why... we will never know. It is kinda like the hard work pushed him to a point where he felt he could not handle any more. Or maybe the thought of succeeding in the next step in life was overwhelming. Either way he chose to end his life. And I know th

Restored Love?

I have been told by all my exes but the latest (maybe he will say it one day too) that I am the one that got away. I am not sure what that truly means other than they didn't appreciate and cherish me when they had me. Hell I even have my high school boy friend... yes 12+ years ago love... asking for another chance. I noticed that as the months and years go by not only do I change but what I desire, accept, and dislike changes. So for most of my exes a second chance is not even an option. But recently I find myself wondering if a certain ex and I can have restored love. Due to events in both of our lives in the last year our friendship has grown lately (yup, I have no problem being friends with exes). The sad part about this thought process is what caused us to stop being together in the first place. I am not sure if that is something to look past. It was so long ago.  It does not hurt or anything when I think about it, but the stuff happened. Deception, lies, and so much more.


"Your love is what I prefer, what I deserve" - Single Ladies by Beyonce "Many days I've longed for... Wanting you... Hoping for the chance to get to know you... For your touch, your feel, your essence." - LOVE by Musiq