Ending 2012...

2012 was a major roller coaster ride for me, but is ending on a high note Thank God! 

In January my mother was in a bad car accident, she blacked out while driving. I had a great '82 Baby (30th birthday) vacation with my friends from college. I dealt with various lows and struggles personally. I evolved in many ways. Carlton's death in July. I had a great solo vacation at the beach. Car issues. I completed my Master's degree and received a job offer from a Fortune 500 company! 

As 2012 draws to a close, I created my vision board for 2013. 

I normally just write my goals down at the beginning of the year. 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. This year I was invited to a Vision Board party and really enjoyed creating one. "A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin manifesting your dreams into reality." I love this idea and will do it yearly. Yesterday I had my daughter and nieces create theirs.

My vision board focuses on 4 topics: Professional, Love, Self-improvement, and Travel.

Here's a little of what I put for each. Professional: Give inspired performance. Building wealth. Young professional style. Love: Welcome Love. Play for keeps. Fall in love. First comes love, then comes marriage. Self-improvement: Healthy & Happy. Hopeful spirit. Balanced. Travel: Vacation. Beach. Resorts.

I'm going to end this post with some quotes I've come across that I want to make a part of my 2013! Happy New Year!

"My goal for 2013 is to keep my standards & not waver. I want any relationship I enter into to mirror my relationship with God!"

"I will not downsize my dreams!"

"I will choose courage over fear!"

"I will accomplish great things!"

"I will choose relationships wisely and nurture them intentionally"


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