Why Do We Love Love?

This is an age old question. We all love LOVE! Love of all forms. Parent, sibling, children, friends, and of course mate.

Regardless of how times those people who love us disappoint, hurt, or even betray us we still love them in some way. Now we may chose to deal with them differently but we still love them.

I was thinking about this whole loving Love thing and wondered what keeps people seeking it. Especially romantic love. For most people by a certain age in adulthood, they have been hurt by love. Yet, the average person still believe in and pursue it. But why?

The wonderful feeling of being loved? The feeling giving love gives you? The feeling of being in loved? Or is it the combination of all the things that equal being in love? The companionship, warm feelings, happiness, and love all in one bucket?

In all my years of relationships, successful and unsuccessful, I have never given up on love. I have heard friends of mine say they have, but still are open to it. Still willing to take the chance of finding it. Still willing to let cupid hit them with his arrow. Still willing to let someone in their heart.

I think the answer to this question is simply... People love Love because they want to give it just as much as they want to receive it.


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