Buried versus Planted

I was looking for something in my email tonight and came across an old email I sent to myself. I am not sure if I used this in a blog or just emailed it to friends. Either way the words hit home for me again to day. Here's the email sent on 4/13/09 :

I woke up Easter morning to the sound Joel Osteen's church service.  What he said really hit home for me, so I wanted to share with you!

" The only difference between being buried and being planted is the expectancy of what is going to happen next."
   We all have situations we face that seem like they could bury us: the loss of a loved one, bad news concerning our health, a layoff, a divorce. The only difference between being buried and being planted is the expectancy of what is going to happen next. When something is buried, it's not coming back. But when something is planted, like a seed, it always comes back, producing more than what it originally was when it went into ground. 

     It's during the times before a seed blossoms that can seem dark and uncomfortable. It feels buried. It can't see any light. But the truth is, it hasn't been buried; it's only been planted. Before long, that seed is no longer hidden and alone. But it grows into beautiful plant producing all kinds of bright, colorful flowers or fruit. 

     Jesus said in John 12:24, "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and is planted, it will not produce fruit." A seeds' potential will never be fully realized until it's planted. No matter what comes against you in life know this: you are not buried, you are planted! 

     You may feel like you've got some dirt on top of you and things are keeping you down. But you have to realize, you've simply been planted. That same dirt that is trying to bury you can be the dirt God is going to use to promote you. That means you're not only going to just come back, you're going to come back better, increased and stronger. Always remember, what was meant for your harm, God will use it to your advantage.


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