Get It Right

A chance to get it right...

I have battled with the desire to not do or deal with certain things while dating. The last time I was single was the summer to winter of 2009. I met my last ex in late November of that year. After ending a short re-cap of an old relationship with a college ex. After ending that I did my normal evaluation of the situation and what I should learn. I realized that I had stopped cherishing myself, especially my body. I decided that I would cherish myself more. Not having sex with a man until I was truly ready was a major part of that. The main way to accomplish this was to not put myself in situations where I would have the physical desire. I wanted the mental needs met first and foremost. 

I was not happy with my sexual past. Not so much in who but why. I felt I did what others were doing or what seemed to be expected in the time frame of meeting a man to sex. I believe this behavior changed my view and even desire of sex. I wanted more from relationships and felt a better foundation before sex was needed.

I told my latest ex this when we started dating. We waited 3 months before having sex. I have to admit I wanted to wait longer than that but gave into the subtle pressure. About two months ago I decided to reinstate this plan. I had not reason to think about it because I was in a relationship for 2 years. It took me a few months being back in the dating world to realize that I want to make the same commitment to myself.

A sermon I heard solidified my feelings. It stated "You have a chance to get it right". In reference to relationships mistakes. I know what does not work for me, so I need to focus on what I know does work. That starts with me being happy and making choices that I am comfortable with. It also goes along with being the person that the man I want to be with would want. I know that I want to be with man who has a similar, if not the same, thoughts about their body in reference to sex. I have to find a balance with where a person is and what they are working toward. 


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