Today was a good day.

I woke up this morning wrapping my head around the fact that I was going to walk across the stage later this evening to receive my Master's degree. As excited as I am to complete the course work for this degree a piece of me was sad. This month my friend and father of my child would of graduated with a MBA and JD. We talked about how we did not plan to walk at graduation and rather relax after our hard work. After his death in July, I decided I would walk in my graduation. Partly to honor him, but also for our child to see.

A few days ago his mother received both of his degrees in the mail from his school. It was a very touching moment. To see his hard work to pay off. To see what he worked hard for right there, but he is not here. Why... we will never know. It is kinda like the hard work pushed him to a point where he felt he could not handle any more. Or maybe the thought of succeeding in the next step in life was overwhelming. Either way he chose to end his life. And I know that the hard work and pressure of his accelerated degrees had something to do with it.

For the last few days I have had him on my mind a lot. As well as his family. Today was bitter sweet for me. I treated my mother and myself to some spa treatments. And was taking the day nice and slow. On the way home I got a call offering me a job I interviewed for this week. My heart became overwhelmed. Not only is today my or should I say "our" graduation day, but I got a job offer as well!

After my excitement calmed down some, I found myself crying like a baby. I was so grateful and overwhelmed with happiness, appreciation, and pure joy. I have really been leaning on my faith in God and working on not putting limits on my dreams. I read something a few months ago that said to dream big and let God lead you to fulfilling them. I try to focus on my goals and how I can accomplish them. When I feel overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, worried or sad I try to pray and lean on God. I have really been trying to find the right level of work behind my faith as well as not worrying. "Do not pray if you're going to worry!"

In the last few weeks I could feel a positive change coming in my life. I do not know how to explain it but I could feel the good coming into my life. The more I felt it, the more excited I got. Even thanking God in advance for the blessings he was going to give me.

I can say today, that those things have been working. I have felt better emotionally. I still have work to do, but it is getting better! I feel like God is telling me to keep up the good work! While showing me that he is going to take care of me and knows my desires. I can honestly say today was a good... no... Today was a GREAT day!


  1. Hi there,

    I just found your blog via Her Best Hair, and I wanted to congratulate you on obtaining your Masters degree. That is an awesome achievement! Thank you for sharing about your ex and your decision to walk in honor of him and as a role model for your child. I think that was beautiful.
    Also, I read your post on restored love. It is similar to a post that I made recently that was titled 'No Love Lost?'. You just never know if all of our occurrences, both good and bad, are a part of a divine purpose to bring two people back together. You never know.
    God bless,
    La Nita (aka Hur Jurnee from

    1. Thank you so much!

      I agree with you about not knowing if occurrences are a part of a divine purpose!


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